Sixth Avenue

Sixth Avenue is a station on Downtown Line of the Singapore MRT. For more details view the Explore Singapore interactive MRT map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Sixth Avenue
Chinese (simplified) 第六道
Located on Downtown Line
Code DT7

Map of Sixth Avenue

Tips near Sixth Avenue

check out "The Grand Stand!" lodsa eateries and drag ur frnds for a fun day out at "Red Dynasty Paintball Park".

Trina G

Feb 2, 2016

expensive house at here

opper thOMson

Sep 8, 2022

First train/Last train

Photos near Sixth Avenue

getting dark

getting dark
Copyright: nicoleyongxm

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  • SMRT - MAN NL323F A22 (Batch 3) SMB1590S on 171 (Rear) SMRT - MAN NL323F A22 (Batch 3) SMB1590S on 171 (Rear)
  • SBS Transit - Volvo B9TL (Wright Eclipse Gemini 2) (Batch 3) SBS3714L on 74 SBS Transit - Volvo B9TL (Wright Eclipse Gemini 2) (Batch 3) SBS3714L on 74
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  • SBS Transit Downtown Line - C951 (9050) arriving DT7 Sixth Avenue SBS Transit Downtown Line - C951 (9050) arriving DT7 Sixth Avenue
  • SMRT - MAN NL323F A22 (Batch 3) SMB1590S on 171 SMRT - MAN NL323F A22 (Batch 3) SMB1590S on 171
  • SBS Transit - Volvo B9TL (Wright Eclipse Gemini 2) (Batch 4) SG5387P on Service 74 (Front) SBS Transit - Volvo B9TL (Wright Eclipse Gemini 2) (Batch 4) SG5387P on Service 74 (Front)
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  • Showing off the collections. :) Showing off the collections. :)

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