Tanjong Pagar

Tanjong Pagar is a station on East West Line of the Singapore MRT. For more details view the Explore Singapore interactive MRT map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Tanjong Pagar
Chinese (simplified) 丹戎巴葛
Located on East West Line
Code EW15

Map of Tanjong Pagar

Tips near Tanjong Pagar



Apr 4, 2012

Crazy good ramen at tonkotsu king. Orchid hotel.

Inigo Montoya

May 18, 2012

Carlton City Hotel


Aug 13, 2015

Malay Railroad station


Nov 11, 2015

mcdonalds at Anson road exit

sandeep gulati

Nov 28, 2015



Jun 15, 2018



Jan 31, 2020

Japan Railway Café


Jul 15, 2022

First train/Last train

Photos near Tanjong Pagar


Copyright: fukuhomu https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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  • Singapore - China Town & Little India Singapore - China Town & Little India
  • 20170407_164421 Downtown 20170407_164421 Downtown
  • 20170407_180911 Métro 20170407_180911 Métro
  • Singapore 2016 Singapore 2016
  • CLC Fellowship Henk Ovink CLC Fellowship Henk Ovink
  • CLC Fellowship Henk Ovink CLC Fellowship Henk Ovink
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