Tiong Bahru

Tiong Bahru is a station on East West Line of the Singapore MRT. For more details view the Explore Singapore interactive MRT map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Tiong Bahru
Chinese (simplified) 中峇鲁
Located on East West Line
Code EW17

Map of Tiong Bahru

Tips near Tiong Bahru

Tiong bahru plaza


Mar 5, 2012

The soup spoon.


Mar 14, 2012

Yg church


Feb 8, 2013

ATZ International Pte Ltd Education/Toys #04-04 Henderson Industrial Pa 159552 Singapore Distance approx.: 7.77 km


Jun 27, 2013

Tiong bahru plaza doing major renovation


Nov 18, 2014



Jan 25, 2018

Tiong Bahru Bakery


May 2, 2023

First train/Last train

Photos near Tiong Bahru

Diwali lights

Diwali lights
Copyright: Swami Stream https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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  • First iPhone 15 pro max First iPhone 15 pro max
  • IMG_0300 IMG_0300
  • Sky shots Sky shots
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  • Flower in my condo Flower in my condo
  • Flower in my condo Flower in my condo
  • Flower in my condo Flower in my condo
  • Flower in my condo Flower in my condo
  • Flower in my condo Flower in my condo
  • Flower in my condo Flower in my condo
  • Flower in my condo Flower in my condo
  • Flower in Tiong Bahru Flower in Tiong Bahru
  • Flower in Tiong Bahru Flower in Tiong Bahru
  • Flower in Tiong Bahru Flower in Tiong Bahru
  • Flower in Tiong Bahru Flower in Tiong Bahru
  • Flower in Tiong Bahru Flower in Tiong Bahru
  • Flower in Tiong Bahru Flower in Tiong Bahru
  • Flower in Tiong Bahru Flower in Tiong Bahru

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.